Friday, September 27, 2019

Evaluates the main developments( history) of customer relationship Literature review

Evaluates the main developments( history) of customer relationship - Literature review Example It wasn’t as complex as today’s customer relationship which is well-developed. It primarily involved interaction between a company’s staff and customers. Even though it was useful, information on the existent database was unorganized, hard to track, update and retrieve (Moseley 1999). The 90s experienced great advances in terms of customer relationship. Companies started seeing the gains in extending perks to potential and existing customers for repeat buys or in exchange for applicable customer information. Companies started viewing customer service as a skill that is evolving continuously instead of a stagnant service that can be used whenever (Moseley 1999; Timm 2011) Today, Customer Relationship Management is at its full potential making it possible for businesses to attain superior customer service and maximize their potentials. Customization of software to fit a specific business or industry is made possible by innovation and more improved tools are available. Benefits savoured by clients are beneficial to the companies awarding them as well since they can now easily track the patterns, spending history and behaviour of their clients (DeGregor 2011). Storage matters for huge databases, particularly for big companies can now be settled with Customer Relationship Managements online capabilities. Opening secure internet mediums for staging Customer Relationship Management and offsite storage of data are now being offered by Customer Relationship Management software developers. Customer Relationship Management is most useful for those organizations that immensely depend on customer service or technology. Most Customer Relationship Management-based software and tools are hence used by the computer hardware and software sectors, the telecommunications industry and credit card companies. Customer Relationship Management history surely indicates that something really effective and

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